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Step 1-Install Google Docs

Icon of storage device

Step 1: 
Installing Google Docs

  • Teachers will download Google Docs app and install it
    • Unregistered teachers will be prompted to register with Google
  • Web version users will go to the online version of Google Docs
  • Teachers will create and email a screenshot of installed Google Docs
  • Time to finish step 4: 2:00 hrs.
    Time to finish each substep: 15 - 30 minutes.*

    Please begin the lesson by watching the "Android & iOS Video Tutorial" video below on how to search for, download, and install Google Docs. Otherwise, follow the "Laptop/Desktop/Other Users" if you are using a device that does not have or require apps to run Google Docs.

    Have fun with this part and do not hesitate to explore all the different options and features Google Docs has to offer—there are many! 

    Once you are done, you can move on to Step 1 - Part II - How To Take A Screenshot.

    *Does not include time for exploration which is highly encouraged