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Step 2 Creating & Saving Google Docs

Icon of storage device

Step 2
Creating & Saving Google Docs

  1. Teachers will read various tutorials on how to create and save a Google Docs document on their device
  2. Teachers will read a tutorial on how to access their Google Docs document offline
  3. Teachers will view a Google video on how to manage Google Docs documents
  4. Teachers will be able to save their Google Docs documents offline and on Google Drive
  5. Teachers will email screenshots of the online/offline directory
    on the homescreen to the instructor
Time to finish step 2:   1:30 hrs.
Time to finish each substep:   15 - 30 minutes.*
In this tutorial, will view a Google YouTube tutorial on how to manage your files, and go through various tutorials based on your particular MCD on how to save both locally and on Google Drive. Bear in mind that in order to save locally, you must click on the Keep Offline button located in the upper right menu that resembles 3 vertical dots.

Have fun and explore on your own once you have completed the tutorial.
Once you are done, you can move on to Step 2 - Part II, Offline Access - All Devices.



*Does not include time for exploration which is highly encouraged